Harmony Healing Center
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What people are saying about Soul Regression Therapy with Kristine

Dear Friends,

I am always so humbled by the amazing feedback I get from the people who have done this sacred work of Past Life and Between Lives Soul Regression Therapy with me. Below are just a few recent comments I want to share with you today. 


 “After my Past life session with Kristine, I have grown to love myself more, I’m more confident, and I have accepted the gifts that I have hidden for far too long.”

“I didn’t realize how depressed I was until I wasn’t depressed anymore. I had this huge fear of death but now, knowing that death is not the end, I know there is nothing to fear. I can just let that go and focus on living my best life now.”

“These last few months after the regression have opened my soul to another level. I learned more about myself in this session than I ever thought I would.”

“It was amazing to go back in time and see myself in that past life and to witness the wonderful marriage l had in that life. I am learning to be a better partner in my relationship now, to not sweat the small stuff and give my fiancé more grace. I learned in the session that my relationship will be what l want it to be if l take more responsibility for creating it. I tend to let other people lead and it’s time for me to shift that now.”

“I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed the simplest tasks in that past life. The session with Kristine was deeply relaxing and informative. I had thought I would be scared to revisit a violent life- but I wasn’t. It feels more resolved now and I understand how that life relates to this current one.”

“I loved the deep relaxation and soul journey that Kristine helped me to experience, and I reflect on it often.”

“The regression session was very eye opening for me. I realize now that I am on the right path and that I am evolving, emotionally, and spiritually. The session taught me to trust my intuition more and has led me to the peaceful space I am currently in.”


Timing is everything with this work. Is it time for you to dive deep and get the answers you are looking for?

Much love,


A Past Life Healing Story
Hello Friends,I wanted to share another amazing story from a recent Past Life Soul Regression session that I was so blessed to facilitate. Enjoy!

“I grew up in a very religious, strict and dysfunctional home. My parents were wounded and abusive. I spent 36 years in that religion before I finally got out. I have so many wounds from my childhood, and I have been working so hard to heal myself. And then, I did a Past Life Soul Regression with Kristine.

In my earliest memory from the past life, I was a year old, standing in a crib, chewing on the rail. I was in an orphanage run by nuns. Some of them were nice but many of them were mean. Some of the kids in orphanage had lost their parents, some had parents who were sick and were there temporarily. My parents had died. 

Over the years I made a couple of good friends, and I became very close to one of the nuns. And there was a bully there too, who was mean.

When I was 7 or 8, I had become very attached to and protective of a little 1 year old girl. She was so scared and cried a lot. I carried her around much of the time. A year or so later her parents recovered, and she got to go back home. I was happy for her, but I was so devastated by her leaving. 

At age twelve I died from tuberculosis.

My entire life was spent in that orphanage, It was a hard life. We weren’t treated well, the rules were strict and oppressive, and of course we didn’t have much, but it was all I knew. Under the circumstances, I did well in that short life, I had a purpose. I took care of the babies!

After I died and crossed over, there are no words to describe the overwhelming love I experienced. It was like millions of hugs all at once. I was able to recognize the people from that past life as people in my current life, my friends, the nun, the bully, but most importantly the little girl that I became so attached to. She is my mother in this current life. 

Then a male Spirt Guide comes in who is a little cheeky and mischievous. He tells me my self-worth is heartbreakingly low and that I would benefit from a deeper connection with him and that we are making progress with that. He tells me that I am capable of so much more and that all I have do is to forgive and to trust and allow myself to receive what the Universe is trying to offer me.

He tells me that I was shown me this past life in order to help me understand my relationship with my mother in this current life. He helped me to understand that in the past life, as the little girl, she had had no control over leaving me. He also helped me to understand that in this life, she had no control of the events in her childhood that left her so wounded. 

This new understanding gives me the opportunity to let go of the pain of early childhood from both of these lives and to finish the healing process, closing the door on the pain and allowing the beauty of our relationship to shine through.

My guide also told me that he was so proud of me for walking away from the dysfunctional religion I had been raised under and also showed me the religion actually had some wonderful benefits. It taught me strength and determination and to trust my own self more than what others told me. He told me that I am an old soul and that once I let go and fully embrace the love that is there waiting for me, that nothing can stop the light from shining through.

I can see now that my guide has been there all along, sending me messages, but I just didn’t trust them and didn’t feel worthy. I know now that I can trust my intuition and that I am worthy of it all. He also reminded me of the psychic gifts I had as a child, gifts that I’d suppressed because our religion didn’t allow any of that. He told me that it’s ok to let those gifts come forward now and he helped me understand my mission for this life and gave me a roadmap for how I could accomplish that. 

Since my Past Life Regression with Kristine, I have grown to love myself more, I’m more confident and I have accepted the gifts that I have kept hidden for far too long. I no longer care so much about what others think about me. The negative thinking is becoming minimal as I embrace the fact that I am, indeed, a spiritual being living a human existence and so worthy of love.  

My past life session with Kristine was an amazing experience! To be comfortable and calm in my own surroundings was the perfect way for me to experience this journey. The gentle, loving tone of her voice enabled me to drift quickly into a deep hypnotic state where I could explore. It was a beautiful experience and has changed my life in so many amazing ways!”

The answers we are looking for are inside of us and that is where we have to go to find them. It would be my honor and pleasure to assist those of you who feel ready to explore a deeper side of yourself!

Much love,

Connecting with Spirit Guides

It is common for people to deny the existence of the spiritual realm because they can’t see it, however, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Anyone who has experienced this realm can attest that it does indeed exist, and that Spirit is assisting us even though we can’t see it.

The fact is, there are so many things we cannot see and yet we know they are real. Things like wind, gravity, sound, heat and cold. We know energy like radio waves, magnetism, and electricity exist. And we know that love, hate, joy, imagination, and humor exist. And we know there is a Life Force that is breathing through us and through everything we can see, and yet we cannot see this Life Force.

The unseen world of Spirit Guides, Teachers and Angels is just as real. These are benevolent, loving, spiritual beings who are in service to each and every one of us. With the help of Regression Therapy we can learn how to re-connect with these highly evolved beings and to feel their love and support in any situation. This allows us access to their guidance and to experience greater clarity, direction and purpose in our lives.

Connecting with the spiritual realm can be simple but it is not always easy at first because we have been so conditioned to rely only on our five senses. We have become so identified with our very limited left brain and these physical bodies in this third dimensional reality that we block out this unseen world. Some people are more gifted at accessing that which we cannot see, but given an open and willing heart, anyone can tune into the invisible realm of the Spirit world and begin to find their way.

When we are ready, learning to open up to the other, right brain side of ourselves is most rewarding indeed. Our right brain is creative, artistic, intuitive, feeling, expansive, spontaneous, timeless and heart centered, and it is our bridge to the other realms. And even though it is invisible, it is through this other side of ourselves that we have access to the wisdom of our Guides and Teachers.

Past Life and Between Lives Soul Regression Therapy is some of the most powerful work I have found that allows us to access this other side of ourselves and the spiritual realm. Again and again, people say this is some of the most important and impactful work they have ever done.

Timing is everything with this work. People just know when it is time to delve into these experiences. So, trust your intuition. You will know when you are ready.

Much love,


A guide to living and thriving in times of great change

I want to share with you some principles that I have learned in my 40+ years in the healing arts field and as a Past Life and Between Lives Regression Therapist. I rely on these principles every day to guide my life, especially in times of great change…

Everything happens for a reason

There is a reason all of this is happening.  It is connected to so many other things that it boggles the mind when we try to tie it all together.  The most important thing to remember though is that the Universe,  Source Energy, the Divine, or whatever name works best for you, is always working FOR us, not against us.  So, times of great chaos such as these are also perfect catalysts for inspired thoughts and ideas to come through and enable us to create amazing transformations. However, we must stay calm, mindful, and open to those new possibilities.

Every problem or challenge already has an answer

There is nothing that cannot be resolved if we just stay open and trust that the answer will come at the right time, when it is supposed to.  Fear blocks inspired thought.  When we stay open and trusting, we will receive inspiration that will guide us.

The only thing we can count on in this life is that things will change

Nothing is static in this 3rd dimensional reality.  It is in a constant state of flux. Birth, death and re-birth.  The more we try to hold on to something or keep something the same the more pain and suffering we will experience when it is time for it to change.  The more we can let go of attachments and stay flexible and open the easier the transitions.

There really isn’t anything to fear

If we are really tapped into our Source Energy and trusting it to lead us, there is nothing to fear.   It will never lead us astray.  It is always working FOR us and not against us.  Even if it leads us into an uncomfortable situation, we can trust that there is something there for us of great benefit or we would not be there.  Source knows what we need when we need it.  We can trust that.  It is not always comfortable, but it is always in our best interest, on some level.

Money is Energy 

Money is not good or bad, it is just energy that is always flowing in and out of our lives.  Sometimes it comes in quickly causing us to feel euphoric.  Sometimes it goes out too quickly, causing us to go into fear.  But if we can release our attachments to it and enjoy it when it there and release it when it goes out and trust the Universe to provide, it will, somehow.  We don’t need to know how, just that it will.

Death is an illusion

We can’t get it wrong because we don’t ever get it done.  We are eternal energies always expanding, forever evolving, morphing into something new as life goes on and on. Death is nothing more than a transition from one state to another.  Eternally, ongoing.

Meditation is Crucial 

Meditation helps us to connect with our inner higher consciousness where those inspired ideas come from.  If we don’t take the time to keep this inner channel open we can get stuck with things as they are and have a hard time conceiving of what could BE.  So, please remember to take time to meditate or learn to meditate if you haven’t before.  It will change your life and it will assist you so much with staying calm, present and open to new possibilities.

The work that I do as a Past Life and Between Lives Soul Regression Therapist has helped many to open up to their intuitions and learn to accept themselves as open vessels of energy that are moving and bending like a river, flowing downstream.

As the Abraham material tells us, it is only when we go into fear that we start paddling upstream. In fear we fight against the flow. Using the above principles can help us to understand that the fear is not real and all we need to do, to turn ourselves around and flow downstream, is to trust that we are all loved and looked after and that we are all going to be ok.

Is it time for you to take the journey of a Past Life or a Between Lives Soul Regression into your own powerful inner knowing that will help you to navigate through these coming changes?  This work has changed everything for me and for so many others I have worked with.  It has been, and continues to be, such an honor for me to be able to assist others with this sacred work.

Be gentle with yourselves as we emerge out into a much different world and remember, it’s up to us to make it a better world.

With much love,


The New Normal

Greetings to you, my friends.  I hope this newsletter finds you all safe and well and beginning to adjust to our new ‘normal’.  This has been a trying time for all of us and a tragic time for so many.

I want to give a shout out to all of our dedicated medical workers and all other essential workers for being out there on the front lines for us through of all this.  You have, and continue to inspire, us all.

I was supposed to be in Denver right now, facilitating Past Life and Between Lives Soul Regression Therapy sessions for several of you, but of course, like so many things right now that all had to be cancelled . 

I have always been one of those people who tries to see the best about people and situations.  As I sit here in my home with lots of time to think about the silver lining in all of this it has become so obvious.  Our world has been spiraling out of control for quite sometime now, picking up speed and careening toward destruction with no seeming way to stop it. Everyday we’ve had to wake up and adjust to a new ‘normal’.  A normal not necessarily better than yesterday’s. We’ve all been aware of this on some level or another. I have said many times ‘I wonder what it will take…’. Who knew we would be given this global opportunity to just stop…and get quiet…reflect…and step outside of our normal routines in order to see the chaos and insanity so clearly,and to do something about it? 

There are so many wonderful spiritual leaders who are stepping forth now to speak up about what we’ve all been seeing and feeling for some time.  I want to quote a couple of them here, who say it so eloquently…

Brene Brown – We Will Not Go Back to Normal
We will not go back to normal, normal never was. Our pre-coronavirus was not normal other than we normalized greed, inequity, exhaustion, depletion, extraction, disconnection, confusion, hoarding, rage and lack.  We should not long to return my friends.  We are being given the opportunity to stitch a new garment.  One that fits all of humanity and nature.”   

Arundhiti Roy – The Pandemic is a Portal
What is this thing that has happened to us?  It is a virus, yes, but in and of itself it holds no moral brief. Some believe it is God’s way of bringing us to our senses, others that it is a Chinese conspiracy to take over the world.  Whatever it is has made the mighty kneel and brought the world to a halt like nothing else could.  Our minds are still racing back and forth, longing for a return to normality and trying to stitch our future into our past and refusing to acknowledge the rupture, but the rupture exists.  And in the midst of this terrible despair, it offers us a chance to rethink the doomsday machine we have built for ourselves.  Nothing could be worse than a return to normality.  Historically, pandemics have forced humans to break with the past and imagine their world anew.  This one is no different.  It’s a portal, a gateway between one world and the next.  We can choose to walk through it dragging the carcasses of our prejudices and hatred, our avarice, our data banks and our dead ideas, our dead rivers and smoky skies behind us.  Or we can walk through lightly, with little luggage, ready to imagine another world.  And ready to fight for it.”

Now is the time for us all to take stock of what is really important to us versus what is just busyness and greed and a numbing distraction.  Now is the time for us to reinvent ourselves.  The first step, in creating a more loving world is to learn to love ourselves on a deeper level.  Past Life and Between Lives Soul Regression Therapy are marvelous tools for helping us to step outside of this 3rd dimensional rat-race reality and see ourselves and the world from a larger, more expanded and loving perspective. After doing this kind of healing we can no longer see ourselves and the world around us in quite the same way.  When the core fabric is altered, it affects everything. 

I am more passionate now than ever before to assist others to do this work.  Not only do I have hundreds of testimonials from others who have benefited enormously from their past life and between lives healing sessions but I know first-hand how it has helped me to see, and let go of, so many of my erroneous beliefs and enabled me to stand in a larger, more powerful and more loving version of myself.  It has given me clarity about what is really important in my life and has helped me to re-connect with the Love that is pouring out to each of us every moment of every day and to let it lead me in my daily interactions with others. Love is what will change the world.  So, if not now, when?
It is with great honor that I facilitate this work for others.

With much love, Kristine

Lost and Wounded

We were all born into this world to get lost and wounded. This gives us an opportunity to find our way back to who we really are. Yes, everyone gets wounded in early childhood, some more than others. Life presents us with many traumatic events to work through. Not understanding where the context of those events came from can cause us to take on erroneous beliefs about ourselves which cause painful and emotional issues to arise in our lives.

Sometimes we can recover quickly from these painful or difficult circumstances. And sometimes we are caught in what feels like an endless loop with misunderstood patterns that come up again and again. When we start delving into these patterns, we often find that we’re carrying the weight of things such as unwarranted fear, the inability to feel empathy, or any number of self-limiting behaviors and beliefs.

In addition to trauma from our current life, most people carry with them the energy of issues that are rooted in past incarnations as well. This energy will attract current life traumas and circumstances that will give us insights and context which provide us an opportunity to heal those issues that we are dealing with in current life. It is only when we start to really look at those erroneous beliefs that we begin to understand that we already have the answers we seek, inside.

Past Life Soul Regression (PLSR) and Between Lives Soul Regression (BLSR) are marvelous tools for going deep within ourselves and getting back to the root cause of our issues and understanding our evolving souls.

We call this Past Life Soul Regression because almost always, the cause of our issues is rooted in a past life. But not always. Sometimes we go back into early childhood because the root of it is there, or sometimes we have to start there and unlayer something in order to get back to the root cause.

From the moment we are born, our souls may feel heavy because they are carrying the weight of all we have lived, loved, and learned in our past incarnations. It is only when we actively seek to work through our issues that we can lighten the load and our souls can evolve.

It is my great pleasure and honor to assist others on their journey as an ever-evolving soul.

Much love,

A Past Life Testimonial

Approximately 2 months after a session I always reach out to clients to do a follow up with them. It is so rewarding to read their responses. I have hundreds of glowing testimonials. This month I want to share the responses from just one of my clients after her Past Life Soul Regression:

I definitely have a deeper peace and calm and find I look at almost every situation from the perspective of a soul having a human experience. It feels much more integrated now. I feel as though our session opened a door for me to allow me to expand to the next level of awareness.

I have gained more clarity, on so many situations in my life. I am in the present moment more than ever before. My intuition feels super charged in many ways, especially my clairvoyance. I am seeing things like never before.

I am in such gratitude and awe, for myself and others! Forgiveness has reached deeper levels within me and has allowed me to stand in such incredible gratitude to the other souls on my journey. This has especially happened around my sister and my mother, also my dad.

I’ve been able to connect a few more people in my current life to people in the past life I explored. I realize that several guides I have in my current life, are different expressions of the same soul from different lifetimes, including my dad in this life. This was mind blowing at first, but now feels super cool!

The growth/expansion of my conscious awareness of how vast our souls are and how connected we all are to one another, how time is truly an illusion and how we create our own reality has opened so much wider, and that continues to grow. I feel like myself, but that I am seeing all with new eyes. Expansive is not descriptive enough!

I was so touched, and still am, by all the love I was surrounded by in session. I still feel it, that feeling of being bathed in love, knowing I am always connected to and an integral part of a loving consciousness that expresses itself through each of us is incredibly powerful.

I was not prepared for the continued powerful growth (even though you told me!). At times this has led to me feeling anxiety as the session seemed to lead me into a review of my current life. I did not anticipate that I would start looking at all past decisions, actions, etc. as an observer. Some of that has been difficult to see and not pleasant, but at the same time the love I am bathed in, and the support I feel from all dimensions is incredible. It’s all led to those deeper levels of forgiveness, compassion and gratitude for myself and others. And that has been amazing. I did not expect the depth of healing I am still experiencing.

This has been life changing for me in so many ways that I feel but cannot articulate well. I feel as if light is bursting from every cell! This was truly a phenomenal experience.”

It is such an honor and pleasure to be able to facilitate Past Life and Between Lives Soul Regression sessions for clients. Thank you to everyone who has trusted me to guide them and to those who have provided feedback from their sessions. I am as passionate about this work as I was when I first started 14 years ago, and I look forward to continuing to provide this sacred work for years to come.

Much love,


Past Life Soul Regression  and Between Lives sessions can be facilitated very well in the comfort of your won home over Zoom

Between Lives Soul Regression .

With over 40 years in the healing arts, including more than 13 years in Regression Therapy, Kristine Morton of the Harmony Healing Center is one of the most experienced Regression Therapists that Denver has to offer. Give her a call at 303-960-5970 or email her at kristine@harmonysoulregression.com to get started on your healing process today.

If you haven’t yet checked out the web site, www.harmonysoulregression.com, please do. You’ll find an assortment of articles that Kristine and others have written over the years relating to Past Life and Between Lives Soul Regression Therapy. There are answers to Hypnotherapy FAQs as well as a free self hypnosis audio. There’s also information about Spiritual Coaching practice and there’s a radio interview where Kristine covers a lot of great questions. If you like what you see, or hear, please visit and like the Harmony Healing Center Facebook page. It would be much appreciated.

Click Here to download your FREE Self-Hypnosis Audio! To use your Relaxation Audio find a quiet place to sit or lie down. Take the phone “off the hook”. Start the audio and simply listen until the audio has finished. It may be useful to keep a journal or notebook close by and write down anything that comes to you while you listen to the audio.

Being Present

This present moment is what life is all about. Our truest power is right here in this present moment. It is the only place we have control of our options and choices. It is where we can set our intentions for the future. It is where LIFE is, where living is, where we achieve consciousness. This present moment is the only place we can experience and learn to truly love ourselves so that we can truly be present with others and BE a presence of love and compassion for the world.

Too often, however, we are still carrying energy left over from a past life. This residual energy colors our lens of perception and clogs our filters, so to speak, distorting our view of reality.

The truth is we are all truly amazing spiritual beings that have come here to share our gifts and talents with the world. This sharing of ourselves with the world not only assists in our own personal soul progression but also assists others who are searching for their true identity.

There are many tools out there today that can assist with cleaning up our energy field so that we can perceive ourselves and the world around us more clearly. In addition to Regression Therapy there is Sacred Breath Work, Shamanic Healing, EMDR and EFT, Therapeutic Artwork, Transformational Bodywork and oh so many more.

If we are progressing as we move through this journey called life, at some point we realize that we have cleared enough and it is time to let go of the tools and just BE. We’ve come to a place of deep self-forgiveness and can have compassion for others on their journey. We are able to surrender to something larger than ourselves that wants to take the lead now, instead of us trying to hammer everything out on our own. Life becomes easy and effortless and just flows when we get out of our own way and allow our higher self to lead. And we find we can see ourselves and the world around us from a different perspective, from a higher vantage point.

Past Life Soul Regression and Between Lives Soul Regression are some of the most powerful tools I have found that allows us to clean up our energy field and clear the lens quickly, safely and affordably while giving us an opportunity for rapid personal growth and a much deeper connection to Spirit.

Timing is everything with this work. People just know when it is time to do this work. Is it time for you? Is there an inner urging moving you forward, a deep quest to know more and to expand?

Personally, this work has changed everything for me. It is with great privilege and honor that I am able to facilitate this sacred work for others.

With much love,


With over 40 years in the healing arts including more than 13 years in Regression Therapy, Kristine Morton of the Harmony Healing Center is one of the most experienced Regression Therapist Denver has to offer. Give her a call at 303-960-5970 or email her at kristine@harmonysoulregression.com to get started on your healing process today.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section]

Everyone Has a Gift for the World

Each of us comes into this world with amazing talents and abilities and the intention of sharing them with the world to make it a better place.

Often our gifts are not obvious to us and it can be a long journey to find and cultivate them. This is because we have lost touch with that right brained side of ourselves, which is that creative, artistic, intuitive, feeling, expansive, spontaneous, timeless, heart centered part of us. This side of us get pushed down early in childhood in a number of different ways. At some point, however, that right brain side of us begins to rise up and cry out for expression. This shows up in subtle and sometimes not so subtle ways. For most of us it is a thought or voice in our head that says there has to be more to all of this. We get a sense that there is something deeper going on and we begin to research and watch videos and read book and do workshops, etc. It is this gnawing need to find answers. We just know we are here for a higher purpose.

Many times, others can more easily see our strengths than we can see ourselves. We look around and admire others for their confidence and sure footedness in the world. We tend to rationalize our own smallness, lacking courage to step into the fullness of who we really are however, it is important for us all to find our special gifts and figure out how we can best express them in the world. Each one of us is a cog in the wheel, so to speak, and the world needs each and everyone of us to step up and play our part, especially now.

Once we discover these gifts and talents, we naturally want to share them and assist others to open up to their own genius side.

Getting there though, requires some assistance for most people. We rarely get there on our own. Many of us have erroneous beliefs we have taken on about ourselves from early childhood and from past lives that we need to bring up to the conscious mind and confront in order to heal and move forward in an empowered way. Fortunately, there are many very effective tools that can assist us in this process today, including Past Life Soul Regression and Between Lives Soul Regression Therapy.

Regression Therapy is one of the most powerful tools I have found that allows us to go directly to the root cause of our issues, giving us an opportunity to see and release our blocks and resistances, giving us an opportunity for rapid personal grown and giving us a much deeper connection to the Divine, Spirit, Source Energy, God, or whatever you call it. Healing our blocks allows us to open up to that side us that knows who we are, why we came here and what we came here to do.

Is it time for you to awaken your special gifts and talents that are just waiting to be uncovered and begin to live a more deeply rewarding spiritual life? Timing is everything! People just know when it is time!

It is with great honor and humility that I facilitate the sacred work for other.

Love, Kristine

This temporary human aspect that we call ourselves is actually a very small part of who we really are.

Those of us on a conscious spiritual journey are aware that there is a tremendous shift happening on the planet right now and more people than ever have an opportunity to awaken to that larger aspect of themselves, to remember that their earthly, human self is but a portion of who they really are, to understand we are actually multidimensional beings.

The world, and everything and everyone on it, is changing at such an increased rate that it is difficult to predict what our futures will look like. As a result, we are no longer able to use our old ways of coping and planning the way we used to, they just don’t apply anymore and if we cling to those old ways we can feel as if our world is falling apart. Actually, the world IS falling apart which is why many of our tried and true ideas, that used to serve us well, no longer apply. Old energies are sloughing off and new energy is being brought forth. We are similar to the caterpillar that goes into a cocoon and completely disintegrates, reorganizes and reemerges. The caterpillar evolves into a larger, less dense, more beautiful and freer aspect of itself with the ability to be connected to Earth when it wants but also to soar into the ethers as well. Perhaps on some level it senses that what it was before was actually a very small part of who it is now.

Simply put, this change is about us waking up to the understanding that we are more than human and that we need to nurture not only our bodies but our Souls. For some this awakening happens suddenly, like a bolt of lightning, but for many of us it is a slower progression, a gentle (and sometimes not so gentle) unfolding.

There are many tools available to assist with this unfolding, Regression Therapy is only one of them. However, Past Life Soul Regression and Between Lives Soul Regression are some of the most powerful tools that I have found that provide us an opportunity for rapid personal growth. Not only to resolve repeating patterns of mental, emotional, relationship and physical issues, cleaning up old karmic debt, but to also giving us an opportunity to expand into the awareness of our much larger selves and incorporating that with our human selves.

And that can change everything!

It is with much honor and humility that I am able to facilitate this sacred work for others.

Love, Kristine

If you have been thinking about doing this work, maybe this is your time.

With over 40 years in the healing arts, including more than 13 years in Regression Therapy, Kristine Morton of the Harmony Healing Center is one of the most experienced Regression Therapists that Denver and Colorado has to offer. Give her a call at 303-960-5970 or email her at kristine@harmonysoulregression.com to get started on your healing process today.

If you haven’t yet checked out the web site, www.harmonysoulregression.com, please do. You’ll find an assortment of articles that Kristine and others have written over the years relating to Past Life and Between Lives Soul Regression Therapy. There are answers to frequently asked questions about Hypnotherapy as well as a free self hypnosis audio. There’s also information about Spiritual Coaching and a radio interview where a lot of great questions get answered. If you like what you see, or hear, please visit and like the Harmony Healing Center Facebook page. It would be much appreciated.

Click Here to download your FREE Self-Hypnosis Audio! To use your Relaxation Audio find a quiet place to sit or lie down. Take the phone “off the hook”. Start the audio and simply listen until the audio has finished. It may be useful to keep a journal or notebook close by and write down anything that comes to you while you listen to the audio.

Increase Your Vibrational Frequency LevelEverything in the Universe is a form of energy and has a vibrational frequency. This includes everything you can see, hear, taste, touch and smell. Every tree, every rock, chair, sun beam, every animal, bird and insect. Everything is vibrating at a certain vibrational intensity. Light, for instance, vibrates at a very high frequency and a rock vibrates at a much lower frequency.

As humans we vibrate at different frequencies. Our thoughts and feelings determine the frequency at which we vibrate. We radiate this vibrational energy out into the world and in turn we attract similar energy back to us. We can have great influence around the events, circumstances and relationships we attract to ourselves by raising our vibration.

We are all mirrors for each other, providing ourselves with glimpses into the many choices we have in our own lives. We’ve all met people that seem to “shine”, who are “vibrant” who are people it feels good to be around and leaves us feeling uplifted and empowered. These people are vibrating at a high frequency and can inspire us as we evolve through life. They show us aspects of ourselves that we may not have fully embraced, yet. On the other hand we all know people who are cynical and negative and not very comfortable to be around. These are people can help us to see these aspects within ourselves and show us how we don’t want to be vibrating and why. Most of us vibrate somewhere in between these two types of people and are a work in progress as we strive for those higher vibrational levels.

There are many ways to raise your frequency. A consistent spiritual practice raise our lives vibrations. Spending time every day, even if only for a few minutes, to consciously choose where to focus your energy can make a big difference. When we focus on the positive aspects and can feel appreciation and gratitude for the abundance in our lives it shifts our frequency and sets the stage for our day and sleep time. Meditation can change our life when we make the commitment to do it on a regular basis. There are many ways to meditate . It can be done with your eyes closed and going within, or can be done while we are moving about in our day. The left brain , “the monkey mind” is busy roaming about most of the time, thinking about the past or worrying about or contemplating the future but when we can be present…in this moment now…even for brief periods of time, we can train the mind to focus and choose the types of thoughts we want knowing that they will help us to increase our own vibrational consistency.

Sometimes raising our vibration can be more challenging and we become stuck in repeating patterns of negativity, anxiety, anger, addiction, fear, dysfunctional relationships and physical dis-ease. These repeating patterns are not good or bad, right or wrong. In fact, they are a wonderful communication from Soul letting us know there is something here that needs to be looked into deeper so that it can be released and healed. When we understand these experiences they can be changed. Many of us need assistance from time to time to shift the repeating patterns in our lives. Past Life Soul Regression can help us get back to the root cause of these issues and give us the opportunity to begin unraveling these negative energy patterns quickly, safely, affordably while raising our vibrational frequency.

Once we are on a solid spiritual path and are ready for rapid advancement, the Between Lives Soul Regression can be a catalyst for moving us into even higher frequencies. This session is where we can get the answers to those really big questions like who am I, where did I come from, where am I going when I leave here, who are my guides and teachers, who are the members of my soul family, who are my soulmates, what are the contracts I agreed to this time around and what is my purpose work. The Between Lives session can assist us to re-remember who we really are on a much broader prospective and enable us to begin living our daily lives with higher vibration more consistently.

Regression Therapy is a marvelous tool for assisting us in moving up into those higher vibrational frequencies we are all striving for.

It is a great pleasure and honor to be able to facilitate this sacred work for others.

Love, Kristine

Kristine will be in Denver all of April and May working with clients. April appointments are nearly full and May is filling fast so don’t wait to schedule.

With over 40 years in the healing arts, including more than 13 years in Regression Therapy, Kristine Morton of the Harmony Healing Center is one of the most experienced Regression Therapists that Denver and Colorado has to offer. Give her a call at 303-960-5970 or email her at kristine@harmonysoulregression.com to get started on your healing process today.

If you haven’t yet checked out the web site, www.harmonysoulregression.com, please do. You’ll find an assortment of articles that Kristine and others have written over the years relating to Past Life and Between Lives Soul Regression Therapy. There are answers to frequently asked questions about Hypnotherapy as well as a free self hypnosis audio. There’s also information about Spiritual Coaching and a radio interview where a lot of great questions get answered. If you like what you see, or hear, please visit and like the Harmony Healing Center Facebook page. It would be much appreciated.

Click Here to download your FREE Self-Hypnosis Audio! To use your Relaxation Audio find a quiet place to sit or lie down. Take the phone “off the hook”. Start the audio and simply listen until the audio has finished. It may be useful to keep a journal or notebook close by and write down anything that comes to you while you listen to the audio.

Getting emotionally wounded in early childhood is a almost a given in everyone’s lives. I don’t care how good the childhood was, no one comes through unscathed. One of our most important journeys in life is to work through those childhood wounds

Regression Therapy has given us a tool to be able to better understand the dynamics of life. Under hypnosis we can go back into early childhood and explore things that happened to us in this life and assist us in understanding the where and why of who we are today. However, what is so fascinating about Regression Therapy is that while under hypnosis, when we ask to be taken back to the root cause of a repeating pattern in our life or to the root of a dysfunctional relationship for example, time and time again we are taken back to a story of a different time and place in a different body in a different life. These stories always dovetail with this current life. Many religions would have you believe that you get only one life but why do some people have relatively good lives and others have what some would call nightmare lives. Why do some live in comfort, abundance and peace while others endure lives of hunger and disease in war torn countries? Past Life Regression provides many of the answers to those questions of why some have it good in this life and some do not. Realizing that we have had many, many lives helps us to understand that each of our past lives was designed in some way to assist us and bringing that information up to the conscious mind can improve our current lives.

Past Life Soul Regression allows us to tap into the memories of those past lives from which we are still carrying unresolved energy. Discovering the common threads that lead from a past life to the current one can be a little mind boggling at first (to the left brain) and yet healing tends to be the outcome of bringing that information up to the conscious mind.

The goal of Past Life Soul Regression is to go back into the past life where the root of our current issues or problems began and to explore that life in great detail. Then we get to a death scene and cross over into Spirit where it is always our intention to connect with a Divine energy that comes in to helps us to connect all the dots from that life to this one. This can be one of the most profound parts of the whole session.

One of the most important parts that comes up for people time and time again during a Past Life Regression session is the awakening of their inner child and the realization that this child has been wounded in some way in past lives as well as this current one. This child carries the burdens of those wounds, past and present. The good news is that they also discover that they have the tools inside of themselves to heal those wounds. They are then able to connect to the Divine Guidance inherent within each of us for support and assistance in moving forward in the process of righting past wrongs, correcting mistaken perceptions, healing old wounds, and forgiving themselves and all who may have been involved so that they can begin this life anew.

It is with honor and humility that I facilitate this sacred work for others.

Love, Kristine

Healing Unresolved Pain with Regression Therapy

Kristine MortonPain and suffering are inevitable in every life. We come into these lives to experience and grow, knowing full well that we will get wounded along the way. The journey includes working through those hurts to find our way back to a life of more ease and joy.

We knew before we chose to come into this life that there would be events and circumstances embedded within that would bring any unresolved issues from past lives back up to the surface, so we would have an opportunity to heal them. We willingly signed up for those often-difficult lives because we knew that there was great value in the growth that occurs in those challenging experiences.

Most of us are going through our daily lives well aware of the underlying pains that we are carrying around with us. We’ve been feeling this way and carrying them with us for so long though that it feels normal. We identify with our pains to the extent that we begin to believe that they are who we really are. Those feelings and pains quite often will darken our reality.

Sooner or later on our spiritual journey we finally realize that the burden of the pains that we have not resolved are limiting and restricting our lives. Unresolved issues get in the way of our becoming all that we can be and so, we start searching for ways to heal.

We usually begin searching our current life, into our early childhood memories for the cause of our pain and almost always can find some links there. Working with these current life memories can be helpful but often only scratches the surface because the ROOT of unresolved issues is almost always based in a past life.

Regression Therapy is a marvelous tool for getting to the root cause of our issues and lingering pains. By dropping down into lower states of consciousness through the process of hypnosis we find that we have access to memories of who we have been in previous lives. In that space it is as if there are open doors that we can enter to explore other aspects of ourselves from our past and between life dimensions.

Bringing these past life and between life memories into the conscious mind helps us to explain the content and context for the feelings and thoughts that we have been carrying with us, often for a very long time and allows the process of healing to begin.

Timing is everything with this work. People just KNOW when it is time to do this work. Is the time right for you?

It is with great honor and passion that I facilitate this sacred work for others.

Love, Kristine

With over 40 years in the healing arts including more than 12 years in Regression Therapy, Kristine Morton of the Harmony Healing Center is one of the most experienced Regression Therapist Denver has to offer. Give her a call at 303-960-5970 or email her at kristine@harmonysoulregression.com to get started on your healing process today.

If you haven’t yet checked out the web site, www.harmonysoulregression.com, please do. You’ll find an assortment of articles that Kristine and others have written over the years relating to Past Life and Between Lives Regression Therapy. There are answers to Hynotherapy FAQs as well as a free self hypnosis audio. There’s also information about Kristine’s Spiritual Coaching practice and there’s a radio interview where she covers a lot of great questions. If you like what you see, or hear, please like the Facebook Button visit my FB page, Harmony Healing Center. It would be much appreciated.

Click Here to download your FREE Self-Hypnosis Audio! To use your Relaxation Audio find a quiet place to sit or lie down. Take the phone “off the hook”. Start the audio and simply listen until the audio has finished. It may be useful to keep a journal or notebook close by and write down anything that comes to you while you listened to the audio.

VISIT THE HARMONY HEALING CENTER WEBSITE: www.harmonysoulregression.com

My brother Dave never seem totally comfortable in the family. He started pulling away from us at an early age. He and my father had a really hard time getting along. As an adult, he got to the point where he really didn’t want anything to do with the family. I never understood what that was all about.

Before my mother died she took me aside and told me there would be a letter for my brother in a safe deposit box and I was to make sure he got it, when the time was right. I asked her how I would know when the time was right and she said, “you will know, you will just know.”

10 years after my mother died I was in Florida attending a personal growth workshop and during an emotional release process my mother began talking to me and what she told me was…

NOW was the time for my brother to get the letter. And she also told me that when she and my father were young, they had gotten divorced for a year. She got involved with another man, got pregnant, he left her, she called my father in the phone one day, crying, told him she was pregnant and didn’t know what to do. He told her he still loved her and wanted her back and would raise this child as his own. This child was my brother, Dave.

Now, imagine me going to my father (who had the key to the safe deposit box) and telling him that mom was talking to me and I knew the whole story.

All of this was VERY upsetting to my father. He didn’t understand how my mother could be talking to me and he said he could not give my brother the letter because he had made a death bed vow not to release this information unless there was a terminal illness or something where Dave needed to know who his biological father was. However, my mother was being very persistent. When my father stalled, I told him if he didn’t tell him that I would! This made my father EXTREMELY angry with me. He told me I had no right…

I had to do some deep soul searching and finally realized he was right, this was NOT MY ISSUE. This was between my mother, my father and my brother. I was just the messenger.

I told my father that I would not say anything for now but mom didn’t have the courage to tell him before she left and you may wait too long and something my happen to you. Then he has to hear this from his sister! Is that the way you want him to hear it?

Not long after, my father sat down and told Dave about the circumstances around his birth and gave him the letter. This was a time of great healing for my brother and for the whole family. It answered so many questions and he started coming back to the family. We started seeing him at family gatherings and at the holidays again. And then…he was diagnosed with cancer and two years later he died.

You see…my mother KNEW what was coming and that he needed that information back then, because if he had gotten the information at the time of his diagnosis, it would have pushed him further away from the family and as it was we were all able to be there with him in the end.

Kristine MortonUnderstanding the difference between left and right brain is very important in Regression Therapy because we have to tap into the right brain in order to do this work and the left brain has to get out of the way. So, let’s talk about this left and right brain thing for a bit…

The brain is a receiver and a transmitter. The left side of the brain, home of the ego, receives information from the third dimensional reality of this current but temporary life time. The left brain is considered the more logical, analytical, time bound, objective, rational, detail-oriented side of us that is constantly making judgements and experiencing emotions (depending on how we perceive those experiences) and transmitting signals to the body to release hormones and neuropeptides in response to those life experiences while filing it all away to compare with similar future experiences. Very simply stated, the left brain’s function is to help us navigate this lifetime, on this planet.

The right brain is also receiving information but from dimensions that are less tangible. The right brain is the more creative, artistic, intuitive, imaginative, feeling, expansive, timeless, heart center ed side of us, that eternal part of us that is connected to our Higher Self or the Soul which exists outside the restraints of this world of form. The right brain also sends signals to the body for the release of hormones and neuropeptides designed for helping us enjoy the ride.

When born we are usually a balanced mix of the left and right brain. Both sides communicate with each other through the corpus callosum at the base of the brain. When this relationship is functioning properly the left brain or ego is a useful tool, representing the whole self but not thinking that it is the whole self, allowing us to be in the world but not of it.

Early in childhood the left-brain ego gets very strong. This is not a bad thing. We couldn’t have survived childhood without it or learned how to function in this third dimensional reality without that more “realistic” and rational side watching out for us. Too often though, depending upon how traumatic our lives have been and how much pain and suffering we have carried with us from this and past lives, our egos will become very dominant forcing our Soul Self, our more joyful side, to take a back seat. However, when the left brain remains out in front leading the show for too long it can actually become quite unbalanced and unstable because it was never meant to lead, and it becomes a tyrant and begins to wreak havoc in our lives and to think it is everything.

Those of us on a spiritual journey eventually come to a point where we tire of all the pain, suffering and drama that is being created by this imbalance. Our Higher Self starts crying out for expression and we start searching for our joy. We usually begin to get promptings from that right brain side of us in the form of intuitive hits, dreams, visions, déjà vu experiences and bizarre synchronistic events that cause us to vaguely remember and intuitively know there is more to all of this than what we can see, hear, taste touch and smell. We become hungry for more causing us to begin searching for ways to access this other side of things. This leads many to Regression Therapy.

We are utilizing hypnosis in Regression Therapy to access lower states of consciousness. We all come down through these different (natural, normal, right brain) levels of consciousness every single night as we drift off to sleep. We come down so quickly though and drop off into sleep that we don’t have a chance to consciously hover in those lower realms, which is where we have access to our memories of who we really are and all we have been before. Proper preparation and the process of hypnosis allows us to drop down into these lower states and naturally assists the left brain to take its proper place during the session. This allows us to tap into these memories which can help us begin to unravel our issues and find our joy.

Regression Therapy is a marvelous tool for accessing this other side of us that we intuitively know is there and for assisting us to integrate the right side of our brains back into our lives and for helping our Higher Selves to come forward and begin to take the lead. And that can make all the difference in the world!

It is with great honor and humility that I facilitate this sacred work.

Love, Kristine

I will be back in the Denver area to work with clients mid August to mid September. All of the appointments in August are booked now but I still have a few appointments left in September so don’t wait to schedule if the timing is right for you!

With over 40 years in the healing arts including more than 12 years in Regression Therapy, Kristine Morton of the Harmony Healing Center is one of the most experienced Regression Therapist Denver has to offer. Give her a call at 303-960-5970 or email her at kristine@harmonysoulregression.com to get started on your healing process today.

If you haven’t yet checked out the web site, www.harmonysoulregression.com, please do. You’ll find an assortment of articles that I and others have written over the years relating to Past Life and Between Lives Regression Therapy. There are answers to Hynotherapy FAQs as well as a free self hypnosis audio. There’s also information about my Spiritual Coaching practice and there’s a radio interview where I cover a lot of great questions. If you like what you see, or hear, please like the Facebook Button visit my FB page, Harmony Healing Center. It would be much appreciated.

Click Here to download your FREE Self-Hypnosis Audio! To use your Relaxation Audio find a quiet place to sit or lie down. Take the phone “off the hook”. Start the audio and simply listen until the audio has finished. It may be useful to keep a journal or notebook close by and write down anything that comes to you while you listened to the audio.

Your Destiny AwaitsI often get asked, ‘Are our lives predestined, or is it all free will? I have found, through my own personal experiences and the hundreds of regressions I have facilitated for others, that it is a combination of both.

Just as when you are building a house, you need a foundation to put it on and then you need to create an outer shell and a roof. After that, it is all choice. You get to choose how much insulation to put in the walls and where to put the walls and what color to paint those walls and what to put on the floor and how to do the landscaping, etc. Our lives too have a certain amount of built-in structure to them, things that are part of every life, things you cannot change no matter how much you try. And, there is a lot of choice or free will as well.

Each life has a potential destiny embedded in it and it us up to us to decide which roads to take and choices to make as we wind our way toward that destiny. In early childhood, there are always certain things that are part of the structure. The bodies we will be coming into, the family we will be born into and many of the early childhood circumstances we will be experiencing are part of the structure. However, the way we choose to react or respond to those circumstances and the beliefs we take on about ourselves along the way are inevitably, choice. The choices we have made that have caused us to believe we not good enough or smart enough or strong enough or that we are not deserving of love, etc., are not only untrue, but have the power to lead us down roads that lead away from our highest potential.

I find, most of the time, the dysfunctional beliefs we take on in current life have threads of a similar energy patterns from a past life. Unfinished or unresolved energy from a previous life sets up an energy pattern that is brought with us into our current life to be worked through. Our lives are structured to bring up many opportunities for us to work through these patterns, depending on what we chose to work on this time around. Ultimately, we have free will to capitalize on those opportunities…or not. Sometimes the idea of working through these patterns and getting to the root cause of them is so overwhelming that we wind up resigned to a life less than it could have been. The Universe or Source Energy or God or Divine Love (whatever you call it) doesn’t really care how many lives it takes you to work through your patterns because It knows that you will always be given another opportunity in another life to work it through. So, there is no judgement around it, only infinite patience and love.

So, the next question becomes, when? Timing is everything with this work. I can go out and talk about Regression Therapy all I want but people are not even interested in this subject…until they are. They only become intrigued when the time is right. There are always signs and promptings from Spirit in a person’s life that are pointing them in this direction. People just KNOW when the time is right.

Your destiny awaits. Is it time?

It is with great honor and humility that I facilitate this sacred work.

Love, Kristine

With over 40 years in the healing arts including more than 12 years in Regression Therapy, Kristine Morton of the Harmony Healing Center is one of the most experienced Regression Therapists Denver has to offer. Give her a call at 303-960-5970 or email her at kristine@harmonysoulregression.com to get started on your healing process today.

If you haven’t yet checked out the web site, www.harmonysoulregression.com, please do. You’ll find an assortment of articles that I and others have written over the years relating to Past Life and Between Lives Regression Therapy. There are answers to Hynotherapy FAQs as well as a free self hypnosis audio. There’s also information about my Spiritual Coaching practice and there’s a radio interview where I cover a lot of great questions. If you like what you see, or hear, please like the Facebook Button visit my FB page, Harmony Healing Center. It would be much appreciated.

Click Here to download your FREE Self-Hypnosis Audio! To use your Relaxation Audio find a quiet place to sit or lie down. Take the phone “off the hook”. Start the audio and simply listen until the audio has finished. It may be useful to keep a journal or notebook close by and write down anything that comes to you while you listened to the audio.

The One you are searching for is closer than you think!When we energetically open to being on a spiritual path we begin to attract to ourselves the right books, the right conversations, the right events, the right role models, gurus or teachers to help mentor us along the way. This is an important part of the spiritual path and can assist us greatly. At some point, however, we begin to realize that the one we are really looking for…is inside of ourselves.

Everything we need to attain the self-realization we are seeking, we already carry within us but of course we can’t experientially know that until we have progressed to a certain point down that self-realization path.

The outer world is a reflection of our inner state of mind and until we understand this on a deep level we will continue to react to what we are seeing, not understanding why we attract the people and events that we do. However, once we get to a place of understanding that when we change our mind our perception of the outer world changes as well we will finally be getting closer to the truth.

Joy is an aspect of our being that is available 24/7 and when we cultivate tools that help us access this joy on a more consistent basis, we will begin to perceive our outside world differently. The outside world may not necessarily change; however, we will then have an opportunity to see it from a different perspective, and that is what changes everything! We do not have to travel long distances to find this joy or imagine that it exists only in another. In fact, the best teachers will point out that the joy we are looking for we already possess!

Regression Therapy is a marvelous tool for helping us access our own inner guidance system that can lead us to the joy we’ve been looking for, inside of us all along!

Here at Harmony Healing Center, we are firm believers in the mind, body and soul connection; but finding the right balance between these equally important puzzle pieces that make up our being is no easy task. Lucky for you, you don’t have to find that balance alone. Kristine Morton has been a certified Regression Therapist for over a decade and she is here to help. Whether you’re in need of past life healing, spiritual coaching, between lives soul regression therapy or all of the above, Kristine has you covered.

Left Brain, Right Brain and the Spiritual ConnectionAchieving the perfect balance of mind, body and soul first requires a little background information on how the mind works. As you probably know your brain is divided into two hemispheres—the left and the right brain—and you might understand that each side plays a different role in your life, but you may not be familiar with how your brain’s distinct hemispheres affect your spirit. So let’s take a deeper look into the complexities of your left and right brain…

The left brain—which in our left-brain-focused society is the dominant side for most individuals—is the logical, ego-driven side. Your left brain is calculating and empirical and it focuses on rational problem solving. This side of your brain offers a protective mechanism that helps you survive childhood and learn to maneuver in this reality. The left brain is not inherently bad, but when it takes over and starts running the show the effects on your spirit can be quite devastating.

The right brain, on the other hand, thrives on intuition and creativity. This side of the brain is your compassionate power center and the doorway through which you can connect with greater consciousness. When you don’t nurture the right side of your brain you are essentially shutting down the heart-centered spirit guide within you.

The ultimate goal for anyone should be to find a balanced and centered space where you are aware of and utilizing each side of the brain equally. A stable balance between the left and right brain will unlock within you a spiritual intelligence that will help you navigate life with ease. Here at Harmony Healing Center we offer Regression Therapy and Spiritual Coaching that will help you to reach and maintain this coveted left brain/right brain harmony. Whether you’re getting ready for your Past Life Soul Regression journey or you’re in need of assistance with greater understanding and integration of the information you received in your Life Between Lives Regression Therapy session, Spiritual Coaching can help you immensely.

If you’re ready to start living a balanced, happy and healthy life, give Harmony Healing Center a call today. Schedule your free 30 minute consultation with Kristine and get ready to begin your journey down the path to well-being and peace of mind.

Kristine MortonA lot of people have trouble understanding and/or believing the concept of past lives. It is an understandable way of thinking as most of us came into this reality under the “veil of forgetfulness” and each reality offers up different obstacles that can make us cynical or closed-off. But I believe it is important for individuals to at least be open to the idea, and in some cases “regression therapy” is necessary for a person to grow and gain perspective. This is why I have dedicated my life to past life healing. Some of you might need a little nudge to believe. There is proof all around you if you know where to look for it. Before we become jaded by each reality we are young, fresh, innocent little souls reborn to start the life cycle all over again. There are many documented cases of children—who are by nature more open to believing and free from cynicism—who vividly remember their past lives. If you take just a moment to search around for these cases you’ll find fascinating and convincing articles that will at the very least leave you questioning your disbelief. Some cases are more thoroughly documented than others, but all cases of children remembering past lives are equally powerful. Allow me to share with you some of the most interesting cases I have come across lately: First of all, you can watch a video detailing one of the most captivating cases ever documented under the Past Life Soul Regression section of my website. You’ll hear the story of a young boy named James Leininger. Starting when he was just a toddler, James was extremely interested in and intimately familiar with WWII fighter planes; he also began waking up screaming about a plane crash and yelling that the little man couldn’t get out. It turns out that “little man” was him in his past life. As you’ll see in the video, after extensive research and visits with friends and family members from his past life it was all but confirmed that little James was indeed the reincarnation of WWII fighter pilot, James Huston. An equally remarkable case revolves around a 4-year-old boy named Ryan who was passionately directing imaginary movies almost constantly. He began having nightmares and screaming about his heart exploding and when he started telling his mother that he thought he had been someone else before, she started doing research into past lives. He began telling her about his Hollywood mansion and his three sons whose names he could not remember—he became very distraught that he could not remember his son’s names. Much like in the case of young James, Ryan’s mother began researching furiously and in the end was able to track down important pieces from Ryan’s past life as Martin Martyn. Beyond the well-documented cases like those I have shared above, there are also briefer stories that have been shared by the parents of children who have spoken of past lives. One mother reported that her three-year-old son had told her, “My old daddy was really mean. He stabbed me in the back and I died. But I really like my new daddy, he’d never do that to me.” Another mother reports her son having told her over and over again between the ages of two and six all about how he had picked her to be his mother. He would tell her that he wanted to pick a mother that would help him accomplish his soul’s mission. I’ve shared with you just a tiny sampling of the many compelling stories out there about children remembering their past lives. When you really start researching the evidence it gets harder to cling to your disbelief. When you are ready to gain a larger perspective of yourself as you work toward enlightenment, please give me a call here at Harmony Healing Center. I would love nothing more than to be even just a small part of your life journey.

Sooth your SoulIf you’re here, reading this blog, it’s possible that you currently find yourself at a crossroads in life. You might feel stuck or unhappy or unsure of your next move. Maybe you’ve tried traditional therapy or medication and nothing seems to help. Well, don’t give up yet. You may feel a bit unsure, but whatever instinct led you to this site was a good one; Regression Therapy is one of the most powerful tools I have found that allows us the opportunity to go directly to the root cause of our issues. If you’re ready to feel more secure and at peace in your everyday life, Harmony Healing Center can help you get there. There are two main types of Regression Therapy: Past Life Soul Regression and Between Lives Soul Regression. I should note that the former is generally a pre-requisite to the later, but each method has its particular advantages and each method is useful to anyone searching for peace and acceptance. I offer a free 30 minute consultation so we can decide together which method/s will best guide you down the path to healing. Today I want to talk to you about Past Life Soul Regression Therapy in particular. If you find yourself struggling with grief, relationship issues, destructive patterns or even physical ailments, it’s quite possible that Past Life Soul Regression Therapy is the answer you’ve been searching for. How does Past Life Soul Regression Therapy work? First, understand that there is nothing to be afraid of; I am a Certified Regression Therapist and I will create an environment of safety and comfort that is healing to all the senses. Once the scene is set, the deep healing can begin. With every new life, we are born into this world with what we believe to be a clean slate. But our soul, which has lived many times before, can carry with it promises, unexpressed emotions, beliefs, attitudes, ailments and/or unresolved issues. These past life burdens that linger in our souls can affect our present lives in ways that we may not fully understand. That’s where I come in. I will use hypnosis to alter your state of consciousness and together we will access your subconscious and find your spirit guide. I have helped people from all walks of life find peace of mind in many different ways. I have helped a mother better connect to her daughter. I’ve helped a woman move past the negative relationship patterns she couldn’t seem to escape on her own. I have helped a man with an almost paralyzing fear of death understand that death is merely an illusion. When this man, the one with the fear of death, came to me he was consumed with his fear of death—so much so that he was barely living his day-to-day life. After a very intense Past Life Soul Regression Therapy session we found the root cause and addressed it. He now lives a peaceful and harmonious life free from that all-consuming fear he had struggled with for so long. It is beautiful success stories such as these that leave me feeling blessed to be doing what I am doing. Years ago I realized that this was my life calling—to help others in this deeply spiritual way—and I have not looked back since. So if you are looking for Regression Therapist in Denver, please give Harmony Healing Center a call. I would love nothing more than to be a part of your life journey on your path to happiness and harmony.

Meditation’s effect on Regression Therapy?

I was recently asked, “How would you describe meditation?”

To me, meditation is about opening the gates to the intuition, higher thoughts and wisdom that we all have within. Our lives have developed to where w e have created blockages that separate us from those realms of higher thought and keep us submerged in this third dimensional reality where the the left brain (ego) is our domineering feature. Meditation can open those gates and move into those transcended states of mind where the right brain enables us to access our higher frequency thoughts, our intuition and our move evolved state of consciousness. Spending as little as 15 minutes a day in these higher levels of consciousness that we don’t normally have access to in our everyday state of consciousness, allows this wisdom and greater awareness to seep in and enables us to carry those higher vibrations throughout our day

I find that meditation helps my days to flow more effortlessly allowing me to find a good rhythm. I have less mind chatter and less inner critic dialog going on. I find I have access to inspired thought; thoughts that seem to come from a more expanded version of myself.

After years and years of practicing meditation I can do this fairly easily now. However, at first it was very difficult. The meditation practice used to be so frustrating because I went into thinking that the purpose of the meditation was to quiet the mind. I used to think that there was something wrong with me because my mind would NOT be quiet. And the more I tried to quiet the mind, the more it led me on a wild goose chase. I finally learned to go at it from a different angle. I realized that if I went into the meditation with the intention of simply training my mind to FOCUS it worked much better for me.

It turned out that by giving my mind a simple task to do…, over and over and over again, eventually a quiet mind became the byproduct of my meditation. It happened when I quit trying so hard. At first it was just for a moment and the next time it was a few seconds, then a minute or so……Finally, it feels like second nature, like coming home!

Over the years I have found that people who regularly practice meditation are more successful in their Past Life or Between lives Regression therapy session so I always ask those who don’t meditate to begin.

A simple meditation that I start people out with is counting the breaths. Sit in a comfortable chair with your eyes closed or you can do this lying down (if you can stay awake). Make sure your spine is erect (if sitting) and relaxed. (Use whatever props you need to support your body so you can relax) Count 4 breaths and then start over and count 3 breaths, start over and count 2 breaths, then one. Then start all over again with 4. Repeat this for 15-20 minutes a day.

But here is where it gets tricky. We expect the mind to be able to do this task easily. But the mind is like an unruly child, it does not know how to do this, and it does not want to do this. So what you find is after a half a round or maybe a whole round the mind jumps off and there is goes…..thinking about something it forgot to do yesterday or worrying about something it has to do tomorrow; it’s all over the place…and you might be out there for 5 minutes before you realize that you are not counting. This is where we get really frustrated and say things like…”I can’t do this” or “I am not any good at this” and we give up. But what I want you to know is that it DOES NOT MATTER how well you think the meditation is going…you will still benefit from the meditation. You will begin to see differences in your DAYS if you just keep doing it. If we can just lighten up on ourselves and try to find the humor in the fact that the mind cannot stay on task for very long, at least in the early stages, and make a commitment to doing it anyway…you WILL benefit from it.

Buddha taught “the middle way” which is a balance between seeking and surrender. In this context the seeking is the commitment to do the meditation and the surrender is letting go of the idea that it can’t be doing us any good if it a mess. So what if it’s a mess! Just let it be what it is and do it anyway and it will change your life.

I hope that you all have a wonderful Holiday season and that your upcoming year is filled with joy, growth and prosperity.

For most the holidays are a joyful season filled with the spirit of giving and receiving, of love and family time and a heightened spiritual connection. However, working with clients during past holiday seasons, I am acutely aware that for some, the holidays are the worst of seasons as they trigger painful reminders of traumatic emotions related to past dysfunctional relationships and experiences that send them into varying states of Seasonal Anxiety and Depression.

Depression symptoms, seasonally related or otherwise, range from subtle mood swings to feelings of overwhelming mental anguish and helplessness. There are many well-known depression triggers including trauma, grief, financial troubles, and unemployment to name just a few. But, what about those who are chronically subjected to varying depths of recurring anxiety, distress and depression, and yet, none of these triggers seem to apply?

Of the many treatments available for easing depression’s symptoms the most commonly accepted come from the Psychiatric and Pharmaceutical industries. These Psych/Pharm methods can be very time consuming and expensive with recurring costs for subsequent treatment sessions and/or prescription drugs with long lists of side effects. Additionally, Psych/Pharm treatments are often just a temporary fix, treating only the symptoms, and leaving core issue triggers hidden deep within the unconscious. If core issues are not resolved they will generally find their way back to the surface, again and again, to create havoc with mental health and happiness.

Disarming depression’s triggers should be among the highest priorities of any treatment method with a true intention of successfully healing the deep and tender hurts that caused a client’s initial distress. Working with an experienced, professional Regression Therapist can be one of the most affordable and least time consuming alternatives for treating a variety of depression symptoms. Using hypnosis, Regression Therapy can connect us with unconscious memories, from this life (or others) that may be negatively affecting our lives. The expanded consciousness that can be achieved in Regression Therapy sessions provides the opportunity to see our lives from a broader perspective and gives us an opportunity to re-contextualize our current life situation and thereby, disarm depression’s trigger, once and for all.

It is with great honor and humility that I facilitate this sacred work.
Love, Kristine

I recently added a radio interview to the website. It is about 35 minutes and covers a lot of great questions. You can listen by going to www.harmonysoulregression.com and clicking on the WLIP Radio interview tab.

I am honored and blessed that so many have entrusted me to join them on a small segment of their soulfully intimate journeys toward Self-discovery. Many journeyers are weighted down with their own versions of emotional baggage in varying degrees and shades of anxiety, depression, guilt and phobias. Others carry disturbing feelings that something is missing, that they just don’t belong here, or that they lack a sense of purpose. Most are unable to identify why they carry their disruptive emotional loads or how and where they picked them up, let alone what they must do to lighten those loads. All are seekers, and intuitively, they know that the answers to why and how and where, and more importantly, what they must do are all there, deep within themselves. They’ve simply forgotten how to connect with their inner subconscious; home to their Spirituality, and the answers they seek.

Regression Therapy Hypnosis lightens the load.

Using Hypnosis, I assist seekers to reach a very deep state of natural relaxation and a heightened sense of focused attention and awareness. From there and with the guidance of Current, Past Life or Between Lives Regression Therapy I simply point the way toward re-connection with their subconscious; their forgotten memories; their inner resources, and their Divine Guidance. During Current or Past Life Regression Hypnosis this re-connection enables people to reach back to the root causes of, and there-in, the answers to, the why, the how and the where of their current discomforts. These answers often result in clarifying truths that serve to free journeyers to remember their light and their strengths. By re-connecting with the deeper sense of Self that is available in that sacred space between lives a Between Lives Regression Hypnosis session offers empowering insights regarding those bigger question, Who am I?, Where did I come from? What did I come here to do? Who are my guides and teachers? Who are my soul mates? Accessing our unconscious memories allows us to gain a better understanding of the relationships between our past and our present, in their proper context. Hypnotic Regression Therapy can be a great tool for lightening the load on the Seeker’s Journey, empowering giant leaps forward toward realizing the true Self.

And so, the Journey Continues.

It is so heartening to receive the many wonderful messages from Regression Therapy Hypnosis clients as they assimilate and integrate the information they received from their Current, Past Life or Between Life Regression Therapy sessions. I love hearing the stories of increased Self-awareness and acceptance, improved relationships, and the many courageous life changing events that have resulted from the simple re-connection with their inner wisdom that current, Past Life or Between Lives Regression Hypnosis Therapy enables them to access.

Here’s a few messages from recent Hypnotic Regression Therapy Journeyers that I’d like to share:

It’s been difficult to fully articulate how profound the experience was for me, both in the moment and in the weeks and months that followed. I have noticed that in the past when I would have an idea about something, or an urge to do something, another urge or voice would pop up and try and talk me out of it, like something inside me would stop me or sabotage me or try to convince me I only imagined that. Or if I would get a warning about something, the voice in my head or even people around me would say things like, “you’re too sensitive, you’re imagining things.” Since the past life regression experience, I have had much more understanding and compassion for myself and trust in myself and that has led to more confidence. I go with the first urges now and I notice they are often really good ideas that lead to other ideas or lead me to people I’m supposed to meet. My life seems to be unfolding in a sort of magical way. I have already recommended you to a friend. I can’t thank you enough, Kristine!

I’ve felt more comfortable with ambiguity and unknown in the area of life that I came to address. In general, I’ve felt a release specifically from ideas and beliefs that felt binding and limiting. I’ve felt more openness and acceptance toward my own growth, creativity, and place in this dimension. I’ve been more able to let go of things that puzzle me/hurt me/etc.

Overall the PLSR was very helpful allowing me to focus on myself, working things out and making peace with myself. It has helped me realize things that I already knew, but didn’t want to acknowledge. It also helped me to find answers I was looking for, in terms of making sense out of certain situations and why things are the way they are.

Read more of the great messages and stories of past Regression therapy clients
Read more Regression Therapy articles
Read testimonials from Spiritual Coaching clients

Most of us, if not all, have experienced feelings that there is something missing in our lives; that we should be doing more; or that we should be somewhere other than here. Those feelings of ambiguity, like rain, precipitate from heavy cloud formations. Our longing and discontentment are the stormy results of clouds that we have unconsciously formed and that cover an inner wisdom that we all share; a knowing that ultimately our destination is back to the Source from which we have chosen to temporarily become separated. Intuitively we know that it is only through that re-connection that we can live in complete wholeness. Unfortunately, we are too often taught to not trust our intuitions, so that inner knowledge remains suppressed in clouded unconsciousness and yet, it is always there. Those clouds of incognizance effect each of us differently, and for some may produce a torrent of disruptive disturbance and confusion.

This sense of not doing, or not being enough, or of not being in the right place can be very disturbing as it brings up emotions of insecurity and vulnerability. Many in our society are taught that the expression of emotion, especially of timidity or uncertainty, represents weakness and that any such characteristics must be hidden, lest they be exploited. And indeed, there are some who would prey upon those from whom they sense such signs of frailty, selfishly anticipating that in doing so, they might overcome their own disturbing feelings of insufficiency. In both roles; the one trying to suppress their emotions and the other, who preys upon them, their conduct is driven by an acute reaction to their disconnection from Source. Acute because, though this discomforting state of disconnected oblivion may be severe and result in destructive behavior, it is short of duration, at least in terms of the eternal.

The pain and suffering that we experience as a result of our separation are self-inflicted, temporary and limited to the physical reality. Still, we live in the here and now and our aversion to pain has led us to devise a variety of means and techniques to help us relieve our distress. There are various therapies being used to help us understand and treat the symptoms of our maladies, such as Psychotherapy and Regression Therapy; many find solace in their faith and religion; for some it is drugs or alcohol that helps them escape their mundanely narcissistic reality.

The good news for all is that in the eternal reality–the only true reality–there is no pain because there we understand that our evolutionary trek is leading us back to our place with Source. We are merely passengers in this physical vehicle called the human body; made of the Cosmos and held together by the Soul. Our fuel on this odyssey is the cosmic flow of energy. We’re riding a jet-stream of that energy and it will take us back, no matter how many stops we make along the way. Each stop is but a lifetime and each lifetime an appropriate adventure to gather the good, the bad and the indifferent experiences that will enable us to truly appreciate our created self and help to remain resolute in our quest to return to our larger Self, the Source, which is forever. While the Soul does seem to wander at times, the way is not at all uncertain. The truth is that the only route back is through the vastness of the physical reality that is the great web of existence that we have created. The course taken does indeed have several jaunts and detours that may seem to be going in the opposite direction at times, but our pilot and navigator–the Soul–knows that those meanderings provide us with experiences that reinforce the ultimate goal of our journey; the enlightening of awareness to our purpose and the realization that our core essence is that of the Source. For now, all that is needed for easing the pain of separation is to remember that Source provides the light toward which we ultimately steer and will finally return through the gateway of unlimited consciousness. So, kick back and enjoy the ride.

There are many layers of emotion that influence our responses to everyday life even though we are not particularly aware of them or of where they come from. Those emotions reside within an area of our psyche that Carl Jung referred to as “The Shadow” archetype. He described this Shadow as “the sum total of all those unpleasant qualities we like to hide”. We try to disown these unflattering characteristics by burying them and their associated emotions of shame and guilt deep within our unconscious. However, Jung also points out that “the unconscious is the creative source of all that evolves into the conscious”, so those hidden temperaments hang on, just below our level of awareness, and much to our dismay, will often emerge suddenly, to flood our minds with irrational and destructive thoughts and confused feelings, disrupting our carefully crafted “Persona”. That Shadow part of us is typically filled with negative emotions connected to experiences of shame and guilt from early childhood or remnants of past life trauma that we have suppressed as a part of our coping strategy. Our lack of awareness regarding the surfacing of these emotions usually results in damage control measures that consist of active denial or projection and blame onto others.

Our Shadow side consists primarily of those emotions that remain “un-expressed” because we were taught that they were socially inappropriate or unhealthy. Unfortunately, even the “positive” emotions of a boundlessly energetic child or the exuberance of taking pride in one’s accomplishments can sometimes be discouraged and condemned as boastful, and thereby suppressed right along with the more “negative” emotions of sadness, grief, fear and anger. As we grow and mature this suppression of “positive” emotions can prevent us from recognizing or appreciating strengths and qualities that we could otherwise be using to enhance our lives.

According to Jung, the goal of human evolution is to “make the unconscious conscious”’ so the motivation for looking into the shadows of our psyche is to heal ourselves spiritually, mentally and physically. By entering into the dynamics of the inner unconscious, Spiritual Coaching and Current Life or Past Life Regression Therapy can shine a light on the Shadow, exposing the context for the hidden emotions that have sculpted our sense of being and self-expression, to enlighten the path that leads to more fulfilling awareness and Presence. I am honored and humbled to assist others with this sacred work.

Throughout history there have always been those who were out on the leading edge of thought, Jesus, Buddha, Teresa of Avila, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, just to name a few. These enlightened beings were pointing the way to what we are all striving for. Thanks to their influence and despite what often appears to be the contrary, consciousness is now expanding faster than ever. These insightful forerunners found what they were looking for, right there, inside of themselves and fortunately their contracts included sharing their knowing with anyone who would listen. We now have techniques and modalities that can assist with this experience of inner knowning and provide us with a broader perspective of ourselves…and the world around us. Regression Therapy is one of those modalities. I am honored to have helped so many experience Past Life Soul Regression and, or Between Lives Soul Regression. Below are a few of their comments…

All I can say is WOW, what an epiphany this has been in my life. The regression explained a lot of why I am who I am. I was able to experience a previous moment of death and realize that there was no pain or fear, only beauty and light and a very ethereal feeling of lightness and connection to God. I learned many lessons from my past life regression, such as understanding who I am now, what my fears are and how to overcome those fears through compassion towards myself and others. Great session!
GR – Ft. Collins, CO

…I loved the space my mind was in for those few days after the session. The love was just pouring out of me…
CS – Loveland, CO

I am doing great since my past life regression. I have decided to start pursuing my music with more fervor. I am realizing that the most important thing is to be true to myself. I loved how relaxed the session was and how I didn’t feel pressured to feel or “see” anything in particular. Kristine was so great at giving me gentle guidance throughout the regression. I especially loved the notes she took through the session- they were so detailed and on-point. I hope Kristine continues to help people in the huge way that she is because she is making such a wonderful difference. I have already given her name and number to several friends and family. Thanks again Kristine, for the amazing experience!
SG – Denver, CO

I am more positive about life in general since the session. I have more confidence in the decisions I make now and am feeling more in control. I am working on being more open to others. Kristine was concerned and focused on getting me what I needed out of the session and yet she did not lead me or rush me through it.
LR – Laramie, WY

I view life from a different perspective now and find myself not judging people as I did before. The session all worked great for me and Kristine guided me well when my left brain got in the way
SC – Loveland, CO

I had a pretty powerful trip, My Past Life Regression addressed a lot of questions I had. I can now move forward, more rejuvenated and ready to take some risks again. Met with an old friend who I’d had a falling out with. We discussed many things and finally got back to where it used to be, but with new heads and ideas. Turns out she is working on her stuff too.
CG – Los Angeles, CA

I feel more calm, less temperamental and even more curious to learn more about myself and how to improve/grow as an individual I’m much more patient with my husband and toddler as well which was one of my main goals for the session. My Between Lives Regression has opened my mind more. I am more open to new perspectives and less judgmental of others.
TS – Centennial, CO

I got a glimpse at some of the root causes of how I became who I am. Somehow, I feel like I am less apprehensive in general and more in control now. I would definitely recommend experiencing a Past Life Regression to others. In fact, I’m looking forward to having Kristine guide me into a Between Lives Regression to explore more of why I’m here now.
DG – Denver, CO

I have started attracting healthier behavior from other people. I’ve been generally more at ease. I have also started to allow myself to think about ME more.
KB – Aurora, CO

There has been lots of positive shifts in my life since the session. My girlfriend and I have become more serious, which is great!
DK – Broomfield, CO

The evolution of the internet, computer systems and smart phones with their increasingly super speeds of delivery has taken communication to a whole new level in our society, providing endless access to information and entertainment and spurs us to keep up with the Joneses as the technology evolves.

The art of storytelling is an art form that seems to be losing favor in our new high tech world. Eventually though, we grow restless, and we long for our stories. Since the dawn of communications, when we first learned to tell a story of a thousand words with a properly inflected grunt or a skillfully placed gesture, storytelling has meant more to us than simple entertainment. Our stories were reminders of where we come from, who we are and why we do the things we do. Our stories provide us with feelings of belonging and for many, a sense of security. Stories keep us connected with all those many generations of relevance, all the way back to our beginnings enabling us to unlock many of life’s eternal mysteries.

Past Life Soul Regression (PLSR) is a process for accessing the stories of our previous incarnations through hypnosis. A question that gets asked sometimes is, “Are the stories real”? Obviously, no one can say with 100% certainty that the stories are real. For most, the scenes and events that come up during PLSR sessions are absolutely vivid, feel very real, are relevant and remain so years later. While most people do believe that these stories and memories ARE from an actual past life, it’s possible that it is a story picked up from the collective consciousness or from an ancestral pool. The story might be a metaphor for the unconscious mind to make sense of. The bottom line is that it doesn’t matter. Our stories are filled with lessons that bring with them valuable pearls of insight and the realization that within us lies an inexhaustible wisdom that refuses to be blocked out by our fast paced society. Our stories cut through the external noise and chaos and get us listening, and paying attention to, our inner selves again and lead us toward paths of healing and provide the connection that we all long for. This connection helps us to restore our inner peace and improve our quality of life. So, it matters not at all where our stories come from or how “real” they are. What does matters is that these are valid expressions of our unconscious mind and provide us with insights about our current life patterns and themes and give us an opportunity to heal. Our stories are eternally valid because they touch the very sources of life and are part of our deepest being.

It feels as though everything is happening to us in chronological order. We are born a baby, we grow up, have lots of experiences, grow old and then we die. But what if that is an illusion?

What if there is only NOW…
What if there has always only been NOW…
What if there will always only be NOW……

No past…no future…only NOW…forever repeating itself.

I have a metaphor that helps us understand this concept a little easier.

Most of us are familiar with the long running TV series STAR TREK. The Starship Enterprise goes out on its missions for 2-3 years at a time. This makes it impossible for the crew to get off the ship for vacation or holiday. So they had this device called the Holodeck. The Holodeck was a computer that allowed them to “virtually” go on vacation. They would program the year, and geographical area they wanted to go to and choose a role they wanted to play while there.

So Captain Kirk decides it’s time to get away for a while so he programs in that he wants to be a Sheriff in the old west back in the late 1800’s. He decides he wants the ship’s Doctor to play his deputy and he decides who he wants to play the barmaid etc…until he has his cast of characters. He opens the door and walks through and he is there! He is in period clothing, and his cast of characters are there playing their roles.

Now I believe the only difference between what we are experiencing here on this planet earth and what Captain Kirk was experiencing in the Holodeck…is that Captain Kirk still remembered who he really was while on holiday. He still remembered that he was really the Captain Kirk of the Starship Enterprise and that this was just a temporary “play” if you will. We, on the other hand, agreed, when we came into this reality, to come through what we call the “veil of forgetfulness”. We knew that in order the learn the lessons and achieve the goals that we set out for ourselves this time around we needed to forget everything! However, once we achieve a certain level of soul progression, it is not only appropriate for us to have access to our memories of our past lives and that space between lives…but it is the next STEP in our progression as a soul….to remember who we really ARE!

AND…just like in the Holodeck…we can choose to come into the late 1800’s one time, and then 500 BC the next time….and then the 1400’s the next! In other words…we can bounce around anywhere we want because it is all contained in the Holideck…a virtual reality! Rather than it all happening horizontally in chronological order…it is all happening vertically…stacked on top of each other…all of it happening simultaneously…in the NOW.

Regression Therapy allows us to dive deep into ourselves and into our memory banks to access information about who and what we really ARE! When you understand on a really deep level that death is an illusion…and that our consciousness is eternal…and that you can’t get it wrong because you don’t ever get it done…and when you remember that you are LOVED and VALUED beyond your wildest imagination…it changes everything! When you really understand this on a deep level, you cannot continue to see yourself or the world around you in the same way. Timing is everything with this work…is it time for YOU?

All too often we are feeling overwhelmed by what we are seeing out there in the world and by our sense of helplessness. In many ways, we seem to be a society in decline. We are in the midst of an epidemic of greed, and of hatred for those who are different. We seem to be profoundly confused about our values. In our schools, we see an increase in bullying, cheating and violence. Everywhere, we face puzzling deterioration in the civility of our communication with others. We see an alarming inability to delay gratification and a deteriorating capacity to stay with complex tasks and maintain focus on what really matters. All of this reflects a disheartening cultural trend: an increasing inability to self-regulate, and inability to manage our raw, unfiltered emotions and drives. And we can see this trend is infecting our institutions. We want so badly to help. But where in the world do we begin? What can we actually do?”

The real work begins from the inside out. The world is a reflection collectively of what is going on inside of us individually. People spend a lifetime searching for peace. They chase idle dreams, addictions, religions, and other people….hoping to fill the emptiness that plagues them. The irony is, the only place they ever needed to search, was within. We are all seeking a way home—an inner home where we are at peace and feel comfortable in our own skin. From that home, we can step out into the world with more love, openness, compassion and purpose.

In order to heal, we need to get to the “heart of the matter” by silencing the mind and tuning into the feelings/intuition/inner guidance from our soul. The feelings from our soul/heart will tell us what kind of action needs to be taken……if we will listen. Oftentimes, pain is the catalyst to our transformation. If we don’t listen to the wisdom of the soul, we will re-experience the pain over and over again until we learn the lesson our soul is trying to teach us.

The inner journey takes us to the root cause of our discomfort, allowing us to see and sense it and bring it up to a conscious level, which brings release and clarity. It also gives us access to our Source Energy, our super-conscious mind, which gives us an entirely different perspective of it all.

The answers are not out there….they are inside of you….where they have been all along…..waiting…. patiently…for your to find them.

Timing is everything with this work. Is it time for you?

The left brain (the ego) is that part of our brain that is concerned with everything it can see, hear, taste, touch and smell. It’s the part that collects data; it rationalizes, organizes, categorizes and is detail oriented. It is concerned with everything between birth and death in this third dimensional reality here on this planet earth and is time bound. It is our receiver for this physical world; anything outside of this world, it doesn’t really know what to do with.

The right brain, on the other hand, is that part of our brain that is gifted, creative, feeling and expressive, and is where the seat of our intuition lies. It sees the bigger picture and it is timeless. It is the loving, compassionate empathetic part of us. The right brain is our receiver and the bridge to other dimensions and other eternal aspects of ourselves.

As infants, we come into the world completely right brained but as we develop the left brain gets very hardwired. It has to… in order for us to relate to and make sense of this 3rd dimensional reality. This is also a protective mechanism; it helps us survive the trials, tribulations and traumas of childhood.

The left brain does an amazing job of serving us in day to day life, and we couldn’t survive in this 3rd dimensional reality with out it…but…was never meant to be in charge and out in front running the show. It is a resource, a tool, a faithful servant, that we need to access many, many times a day but it needs to be sitting off to the side, interacting with the right brain when needed.

At some point, for most people, if the left brain is left in charge for too long, it becomes quite unbalanced and begins to make us crazy. This is complicated by the fact that we live in a society that, up till now, has honored the servant and ignored and even belittled the gifted, expressive, intuitive side.

The time has come for a blending of the two. It is time for that right brained part of us to come forward and lead the way….as the left brains steps aside and assists.

Regression Therapy is an amazing tool for assisting that right brain to step forward and take its rightful place allowing us the opportunity to come fully into our personal power and potential.

The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and
the rational mind is a faithful servant.
We have created a society that honors
the servant and has forgotten the gift

Albert Einstein

I want to share a particularly powerful past life story with you all this month. A 36 year old woman who works as Registered Nurse in a hospital came to me feeling stressed, unfulfilled at work, feeling pulled in so many directions from husband and children and work. Her goals for the session were to find a way to be happy and at peace….and to understand her relationship with her 4 year old daughter who has been very challenging…

She uncovers a past life in the mid to late 1930’s working as a nurse in a mental institution somewhere in Europe. She has two children and a very difficult life. Her husband, who does not love her, is gone much of the time and eventually leaves all together and she is left to deal with everything. She is lonely, stressed, depressed and suffers a mental breakdown, her children are taken from her and she winds up as a patient in the same hospital she used to work in. Her wrists are shackled, allowed no freedoms, bars on the windows……she dies in the hospital in 1944, emaciated, eyes sunken in head, tortured, hollow, shell of a person…

The morning after the session she gets on the computer and googles “1944 Europe psychiatric hospitals” and with 3 clicks was shown a face in a picture who was the same man from her regression, the doctor in the hospital who stood between her and her children. This man, she went on to discover, was Dr. Joseph Mengele , a Nazi who is famous for performing human experiments on inmates for which Mengele was called the “Angel of Death”. He was responsible for thousands of horrid deaths and experiments in this psychiatric hospital.

The value of this PLR was the perspective. She came to the session feeling stressed and pulled in so many directions but this past life was so hard and tragic, it makes this life seems so easy in comparison. She didn’t get to be a mother to her children in that life, and even though it gets really challenging in this life, she get to be mother to her children and what a blessing that is.

And her daughter in that past life is her daughter again in this life. Knowing this helps her understand her daughter more and she has implemented some different strategies with her that are helping so much and is responding differently to her with more patience and understanding…

This work is amazing…and profound…and I feel so blessed to be able to assist people in this way…


Whenever I ask someone if they meditate, a very common response is, “Oh I’ve tried that, but I can’t do it” or “I’m not any good at it.”

That is because the common idea about meditation is that the goal is to quiet the mind (left brain). If we go into the meditation with the goal of quieting the mind it can be very difficult. That would be like telling yourself not to blink, or not to swallow. Telling yourself not to think is very tricky indeed.

Instead, if we go into the meditation with the goal of training the mind to focus, a quiet mind is something that will eventually happen all by itself, without you even trying. It is a byproduct of the meditation. But the more you try to make it happen, the more it will elude you.

The mind (left brain) is like an unruly child that has never had any discipline. In meditation we have to distract it and give it a task to do. And…hear this…you will NOT be able to stay on task, especially at first. No one can, because the mind is not trained to do that. After only just a short while the mind will go running off, thinking about something it forgot to do yesterday or worrying about what you need to pick up at the store for dinner.…and you might be out there for 5 minutes before you realize you are not doing the task. It does not matter! You just bring yourself back to the task and start over, again, and again, and again. It does not matter if you have to start over 100 times in 20 minutes. Just do it and you will get better at it. Do not worry if the meditation was a mess. You will still benefit. Very soon you will begin to notice a difference in your days….

A simple task I start people out with is counting the breaths. Sit in a comfortable chair with your feet flat on the floor or you can do this lying down (if you can stay awake.) Make sure your spine errect (if sitting) and relaxed, and your eyes closed. (Use what ever props you need to support your body so you can relax.) Count 4 breaths and then start over and count 3 breaths, start over and count 2 breaths, then one. Then start all over again with 4. Reapeat this for 15-20 minutes a day.

Finding the right time of day to do this is important. For some first thing in the morning is best for them. For others it works best just before bedtime. For others, getting up in the middle of the night works really well. (When I began meditating my children were small and the middle of the night was the only time I knew I was not going to be interupted by kids, dogs, doorbells, phones, husband etc… It is still my favorite time to meditate.) Your goal is to stay awake during the whole meditation. If you fall asleep during the meditation now and then it’s not a big deal but if it happens often, try a different time of day.

Finding the right space to do your meditation is important. Try to find a place that will be quiet and you will be undisturbed. Try to make this space special. Create an alter of sorts with special things nearby.

Also, there are a million ways to meditate. Meditation does not need to be done while sitting or lying down with our eyes closed. We can meditate while washing dishes, or driving a car, or taking the dog for a walk….the key is to be in the present moment. If you are walking the dog, notice the temperature of the air, is there a breeze? Is there a smell in the air? Notice the shrubs and trees and clouds and birds and cars going by, etc….If you are washing the dishes you are noticing the how wonderful the warm water feels on your hands and feeling the slipperyness of the water and the bubbles and you notice the texture of the smooth glass you are washing and you notice the texture of the cloth you are using etc….Again, you probably won’t be able to focus for long before the mind runs off but that’s ok. Just bring it back again and again…..we are training the mind to focus!

15 or 20 minutes a day is enough (more is great!). That sound like it should be easy to do but you will find it to be very difficult. The mind will find every excuse in the book to keep you from doing this because it does not like being told what to do. It likes running all over the place and running show. The mind, (left brain) takes over in early childhood and it is not a bad thing, it is part of our protective mechanism, it helps us survive childhood. But at some point in everyone’s life, the left brain being in charge no longer serves us….and it can actually become quite unstable. Meditation can assist to bring the left brain back to its proper place, as a tool, a servant, a resource center, to call on it when we need it, to walk along side us, not out front running the show. We need the left brain, we could not survive in this 3rd dimension on planet Earth without it…. but if it is running the show, we are in trouble. So it will thwart your every effort to get it under control. When the left brain is arguing with you, trying to convince you that you can’t meditate now, maybe later, maybe tomorrow you might have to step up and say “Who is in charge here anyway?” Just make the commitment and discipline to do it and it will change your life!

(The 5 reasons why human beings suffer)

Vedanta is the word used to describe a group of philosophical traditions (Hindu) concerned with self- realization in which one understands the ultimate nature of reality (Brahman).

The Upanishads, which were written in about 1500 BC, are the supreme sacred work of the Hindu mind, which form the core of the wisdom tradition of India.

The Upanishads talk about the 5 reasons why human beings suffer (known as Kleshas)

  1. Not knowing the true nature of reality
  2. Clinging to, grasping or holding on to that which is transitory, illusory, insubstantial and therefore not real
  3. Fear of that which is not real
  4. Identification with a false and constricted self, the ego
  5. Fear of death

All causes of suffering are contained in these 5 Kleshas …and ….all of these 5 are contained in the first one, so there is really only one cause of suffering…..which is not knowing the true nature of reality.

When we came into this incarnation, we agreed to come through the “veil of forgetfulness” causing a sort of spiritual Alzheimer’s. We have this faint memory that somewhere there is a soul in here, we know it has something to do with us, and we have no idea what it is.

We get so caught up in the melodrama, hysteria and illusions of this world that we actually forget who we are. It is like going to a really good movie and getting lost in the movie, where a constricted, false identity is created. (The Ego) The Hindu’s call this “Maya.”

The Bible has a similar message: What good does it do a man to find the whole world but lose his own soul.

There is purpose and value in this amnesia, however, at some point, our soul becomes hungry to peel back the layers of “not self”, and discover who we really are, which is an eternal being. This is what is called Enlightenment.

When we remember …and bringing to the conscious memory …the true nature of reality, it changes everything. We get to see ourselves and the world around us from a much more expanded perspective, which in turn relieves our suffering.

The Soul lets us know when it is time for this remembrance!

It is a hunger that gnaws at us….

Is your soul hungry? Is it time for you to remember?

As I sit here tonight, contemplating my father’s imminent transition out of this life, I am comforted by my knowing, without a shadow of a doubt, of what awaits him on the other side. This knowing fills me with a peace and calm and surrender for the beauty of this fabric we call “life.” In this surrender, I must relinquish all of my ideas of control and of my identification with my small self. What is left is the unity of this physical body with the matter all around me, but more importantly with the space in between. It is that space that my lungs breathe in and my breath rejoins. The space that seems empty is actually the container for everything tangible and is the fabric of life. When the life force leaves the body at “death” it re-enters into the space, reemerging into the very fabric of our existence. “Death” is not to be feared; it is to be revered as a sacred journey back to our oneness. “Death” is not death at all. There is no such thing. There is only the end of one chapter and the simultaneous beginning of a new one.

How do I know this? I have been there. I have seen it with my own inner eyes. Our memories of these chapters are stored within our own psyche and when we are ready, we can access them.

I remember as a child asking my mother, “Who are we? Where did we come from?” She told me she didn’t know and wasn’t sure we were supposed to know the answers to those questions. I was never happy with that answer but she was right, to a point.

We agreed when we came into this life to come through the “veil of forgetfulness” because we knew that in order to learn the lessons and achieve the goals that we set up for ourselves this time around, we needed to forget everything. However…..when the soul reaches a certain level of progression, it is not only appropriate to have access to these memories, it is the next step in our souls advancement.

Having access to this information changes everything. It is like looking at the world with a curtain over it versus having the curtain removed and experiencing the expansion beyond the five senses. Once the curtain has been removed, you can’t continue to see yourself and the world around you in the same way.

This work is not for everyone. But for those who are ready, they will know. They will just KNOW.

Safe journey Daddy, on to the next adventure!

Today I am commenting on someone else’s blog post. The following is from Randy with the LCA Project (The Love, Courage and Achievement Project). I just loved what he had to say and wanted to share it with my readers.

“Years ago, I watched a sci-fi flick that really made an impression. A starship encountered a mysterious force which was immediately perceived as a threat. The crew prepared for battle. For every defensive move the starship made, the force prepared an equally powerful protective maneuver. Moments before impact, the captain realized that the force was automatically reacting to their consciousness. At the last instant, to the crew’s astonishment, he ordered all defenses dropped…and they safely moved on to their destination.

Could this dynamic possibly be true for us as human beings? We know that everyone has a presence, a way they present themselves in the world in different circumstances. If this presence is one of fear, anger and defensiveness…isn’t it likely that the people around them will react accordingly to protect themselves? What irony that in putting up emotional walls, we push away the very love we yearn for!

Can you recall a time when you were in a profoundly loving state of mind? What did that feel like? How did others respond to you? And what did you attract to yourself when you were in that beautiful state of consciousness? So is it possible that living in the experience of love, might be the best shield of protection we could ever ask for?

How do we do this? What works for me, is to move to a place of unconditional acceptance and deep appreciation for others, myself and for life itself. The more I can do this, the greater my peace…greater my joy…and the less resistance I generate around me.

So what are you putting out there? What do others get from the way you present yourself, before a single word is spoken? And most importantly, what can you do to live in that magical place of the heart, where miracles surround you? With love and respect, Randy”

We think we have to be on the defensive in order to survive in this world but as the above says, just the opposite is true. I would love to challenge my readers to try this, very consciously, and report back with your responses.

Check out Randy’s website: http://www.LCAProject.com

I was recently contacted by a someone who had a friend of hers who was involved in a very freak accident. Her friend is a 64 year old grandmother of a 15 month old. She was caring for the child when she had a seizure and fell on top of the child. She was unconscious for two hours and the child was not able to free herself and consequently died. None of her family and friends can fathom why an accident so cruel as this would happen in a life. This woman was asking me if I had any words of comfort that she could share with her friend and family members.

This was my response~

First of all, my sincere condolences for the tragic loss! I can only imagine how difficult this situation is.

As far as words of comfort, it is my belief and knowing that children choose the circumstances in which they come into. The lives we come into are both a combination of destiny and free will. There is a framework or structure to the life. Certain aspects and events are set in stone. In between the walls of the structure we have free will. Much of the first several years of a child’s life is framework. The fact that there was no free will involved on the part of the grandmother or the child would indicate framework.

There could be a couple of reasons why a child would choose come into a life for such a short time.

1) This was a young soul that is still testing his/her sea legs in physicality. Could be 15 months was plenty of time this time around and chose this life for that reason.

2) Could be this was a highly evolved soul that chose this life more to assist others in their soul progression.

There would also have been a contract between the grandmother and the child for this event. Both parties agreed to be a part of this, probably for the opportunity for personal growth and growth for other close family members.

As devastating as this situation is, there is also a huge opportunity for growth for the entire family. I am sure it is practically impossible to see any of that now, but hopefully in time…..

Regression Therapy would give much comfort for the grandmother and other family members because they could see and understand for themselves the dynamics around this event, but of course, timing is everything with this work. People just KNOW when it is time to do this work.

The reason we don’t remember what came before this life or what comes after a life ends is because we agreed come through what we call the veil of forgetfulness. We knew that in order the learn the lessons and achieve the goals we set for ourselves this time around, we needed to forget everything that came before, or after. However, once a soul reaches a certain level of progression, it is not only appropriate for them to access to this information, it is the NEXT STEP in their progression as a soul.

I hope this information is helpful. I am holding space for comfort and grace for all concerned. Again, my deepest sympathy….

Buddhist philosophy calls for joyful participation in the sorrows of life. This advice is not meant to suggest that we try to enjoy suffering…rather, it encourages us to recognize that hardship and pain are an unavoidable part of life. If we face sorrow and suffering knowing this, we embrace the experience of being alive. Learning to deal with the specific events confronting us serves to augment our soul progress.

Participate joyfully in the sorrows of life.
Joseph Campbell

On that momentous night when Buddha attained enlightenment, it is said that he went through several different stages of awakening. In the first, with his mind “collected and purified, without blemish, free of defilements, grown soft, workable, fixed and immovable,” he turned his attention to the recollection of his previous lives. This is what he tells us of that experience:

I remembered many, many former existences I had passed through: one, two births, three, four, five . . . fifty, one hundred . . . a hundred thousand, in various world-periods. I knew everything about these various births: where they had taken place, what my name had been, which family I had been born into, and what I had done. I lived through again the good and bad fortune of each life and my death in each life, and came to life again and again. In this way I recalled innumerable previous existences with their exact characteristic features and circumstances. This knowledge I gained in the first watch of the night.

All of our pain and suffering comes from our attachment (or need) to having things turn out a certain way. If our mother doesn’t behave in the way we expect “a mother” to behave, we are disappointed. If a vacation doesn’t go exactly as planned, we are disappointed. If a relationships ends that we thought would be there forever, we are devastated. However, if we can figure out a way to go through life putting out there what we would like to have in our lives, getting in touch with what if FEELS like to already have it and HOLD that energy….and then…(here is the tricky part) letting go of any attachment to it!

We we cannot possibly know what the universe has in store for us. It can see the bigger picture that we cannot. Ultimately, we are in control of NOTHING! Life is a series of one moment after another unfolding perfectly (even if it doesn’t seem so at the time).

True freedom comes from letting go of attachments to everyone and everything! That doesn’t mean you stop loving people or stop appreciating the things in you life, in fact the opposite is true. When we can let go of our need for ourselves… or other people… or things… or events to look a certain way, we come to the place of unconditional love. We can love ourselves just the way we are, faults and all. We can love others, just the way they are, faults and all. And we can forgive ourselves and other for being less than perfect. And we can have appreciation and gratitude for all the abundance in our lives. We can let people, things, and experiences flow in and out of our lives without becoming attached to them or needing to hold on to anyone or anything and our cup is half full, not half empty. Life becomes joyous and easy and free at that point.

When people get on the other side they consistently describe a very specific place of peace and compassion, unconditional love, joy and humor. (They can be very funny on the other side) The soul goes there after each life to rest and to study and discuss what the next incarnation should be. Exploring the spirit world between lives is like opening the doors to the library of the soul’s “eternal’ memories.

Dr. Michael Newton is one of the pioneers of this work. Dr. Newton is a psychotherapist that had been doing past life regressions for his clients for many years when accidentally stumbled onto a method that could access people’s life Between Lives. He did over 7,000 BLR’s researching this place. He wrote a book about it. It is called “Journey of Souls” and is a must read if you are interested in this amazing work.

Most of us have heard of this quote out of the bible and understand it intellectually but most of us have not figured out how to actually live it.

To be the observer, the witness and be able to “respond” to the circumstances and events in our lives instead of “react” is the ultimate quest.

The world triggers us emotionally, up and down, back and forth, constantly pulling us off balance and off center.

Have you ever known one of those people who never seem to get riled up over anything?

They move through life calmly and gracefully, even joyfully and we wonder how they do it!

What they have that most of us don’t have is PERSPECTIVE!

Most of us are looking at ourselves and the world around like fish in a fish tank. All the fish knows is the limited world that it swims around in all day. It bumps up against the four walls around it and assumes this is the end of its world.

It doesn’t even know there is another whole world outside of the tank.

Because of our lack of PERSPECTIVE, we make decisions and judgments on very limited amounts of information. We don’t know it’s limited though, because like the fish, most of us are UNAWARE there is anything outside of what we can see, touch, taste, smell and hear.

Regression Therapy opens up a whole new world to us, giving us a greatly expanded view of ourselves and the world around us.

It is difficult to go through this work without drastically altering your PERSPECTIVE. This broader PERSPECTIVE allows us to move through this life more calmly, gracefully and joyfully.

Clients consistently report that finding their place both in the physical world and the eternal spirit world is the most significant work they have ever done.

The evolution of the internet, computer systems and smart phones with their increasingly super speeds of delivery has taken communication to a whole new level in our society, providing endless access to information and entertainment and spurs us to keep up with the Joneses as the technology evolves.

Storytelling is an art form that seems to be losing favor in our new high tech world. Many of us though have grown restless and we long for our stories. Since the dawn of communications, when we first learned to tell a story of a thousand words with a properly inflected grunt or a skillfully placed gesture, storytelling has meant more to us than simple entertainment. Our stories were reminders of where we come from, who we are and why we do the things we do. Our stories provide us with feelings of belonging and for many, a sense of security. Stories keep us connected with all those many generations of relevance, all the way back to our beginnings enabling us to unlock many of life’s eternal mysteries.

Past Life Soul Regression (PLSR) is a process for accessing the stories of our previous incarnations through hypnosis. A question that gets asked sometimes is, “Are the stories real”? Obviously, no one can say with 100% certainty that the stories are real. For most, the scenes and events that come up during PLSR sessions are absolutely vivid, feel very real , are relevant and remain so years later. While most people do believe that these stories and memories ARE from an actual past life, it’s possible that it is a story picked up from the collective consciousness or from an ancestral pool. The story might be a metaphor for the unconscious mind to make sense of. The bottom line is that it doesn’t matter. Our stories are filled with lessons that bring with them valuable pearls of insight and the realization that within us lies an inexhaustible wisdom that refuses to be blocked out by our fast paced society. Our stories cut through the external noise and chaos and get us listening, and paying attention to, our inner selves again and lead us toward paths of healing and provide the connection that we all long for. This connection helps us to restore our inner peace and improve our quality of life. So, it matters not at all where our stories come from or how “real” they are. What does matters is that these are valid expressions of our unconscious mind and provide us with insights about our current life patterns and themes and give us an opportunity to heal. Our stories are eternally valid because they touch the very sources of life and are part of our deepest being.
